Many people suffer hip and/or pelvic pain. There are a variety of reasons for this and due to the depth of the hip joint and the amount of surrounding tissue, it is a complex area. The younger sporty population are more likely to suffer soft tissue injuries such as conjoint tendon tears, muscle strains, and imbalances. Hip problems seen in children are often growth related and may be due to overload or abnormality. The older population is more like to suffer degenerative changes to the hip joint itself, and tendon pathology changes due to wear and tear. Many hip problems may actually be coming from the lower back or tailbone area, and referred pain is not uncommon. It is therefore important to get a thorough assessment done by an experienced physiotherapist or specialist in order to ascertain what the cause of the problem is in order to treat it. Many hip problems can be treated successfully conservatively with good results. Others may need surgery, such as hip replacements or hip labrum tears.